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Data Grid - Performance

Improve the performance of the DataGrid using the recommendations from this guide.

Extract static objects and memoize root props

The Data Grid component uses React.memo to optimize its performance, which means itself and its subcomponents only re-render when their props change. But it's very easy to cause unnecessary re-renders if the root props of your Data Grid aren't memoized. Take the example below, the slots and initialState objects are re-created on every render, which means the Data Grid itself has no choice but to re-render as well.

function Component(props) {
  return (
        row: CustomRow,
      cellModesModel={{ [props.rows[0].id]: { name: { mode: GridCellModes.Edit } } }}

An easy way to prevent re-renders is to extract any object that can be a static object, and to memoize any object that depends on another object. This applies to any prop that is an object or a function.

const slots = {
  row: CustomRow,

function Component(props) {
  const cellModesModel = React.useMemo(
    () => ({ [props.rows[0].id]: { name: { mode: GridCellModes.Edit } } }),

  return (
    <DataGrid rows={props.rows} slots={slots} cellModesModel={cellModesModel} />


The DataGrid memoizes some of its subcomponents to avoid re-rendering more than needed. Below is a visualization that shows you which cells re-render in reaction to your interaction with the grid.